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The Benefits of Taekwondo for Teens

Taekwondo has so many amazing benefits to offer for teenagers. I started my martial arts journey as a teen and I can personally attest to the difference it made in my own life! As I started writing this blog, I began making a list of benefits that I have seen personally and in my teenage students over the years...and it got very long very fast. So I decided to limit myself to the top 6 to share with you:

  1. Fitness The martial arts are a great way to strengthen your muscles, increase your endurance, and improve your flexibility. Throwing punches, kicking, and jumping are a fun way to stay fit! Our sport naturally improves physical fitness. Teens in particular are really coming into their strength and can do amazing things!

  2. Self Esteem In addition to increasing physical fitness, martial arts can improve mental and emotional health. One of our Tenets is Indomitable Spirit, and we really strive to discover and celebrate the strengths of each individual. As teens set and achieve goals, as they see success on the mats, and as they recognize their own growing skills, they will come to believe in themselves more each day.

  3. Discipline The teenage years can be challenging, both for the teens themselves and for parents. In taekwondo, we work to develop a core sense of self that includes discipline, responsibility, and deep respect. These can help at home, at school, with friends, and with personal accountability for teens.

  4. Friendship While each student is on their own individual Black Belt journey, we have a wonderful community here at Grand Valley Taekwondo. Students support each other and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with training together. Some teens may need coaching with social skills, and this is a safe place for it. Others develop natural friendships that can last for years - in my case, a lifetime!

  5. Self Defense Unfortunately, the world can be a scary place, and it's my personal belief that everyone needs self defense skills. Teens can be especially vulnerable - they're venturing out more and more without parents, into situations that may be risky, and while we hope they will use good judgment, peer pressure can be overwhelming. Having solid self defense skills may help them out of an otherwise catastrophic situation.

  6. Fun What can I say? Taekwondo is just fun. My mantra is that I want students to leave class "sweaty and smiling." While we do work hard, we usually have a blast!

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