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Our Mission

Master Holley

Updated: May 23, 2021

Welcome to Grand Valley Taekwondo!

When I was a young teenager, I really struggled with my self esteem. I was overweight and I lacked confidence; I did pretty well in school but not as good as my friends so I thought I was below average.

My best friend invited me to come try out Taekwondo; her mom was one of the instructors and they knew I'd enjoy it. I put it off for a long time. Eventually I ran out of excuses and I tried a class. I think you can guess whether I enjoyed it or not!

Taekwondo changed my life. In the process of earning my black belt, I began to truly believe in myself. I got in shape for the first time in my life. I learned communication skills and self defense. I did better in school. I came to recognize that it didn't matter what my peers thought of me. I learned that I could do hard things. I became a confident adult and got that black belt - and that was only the beginning of my journey.

Our mission at Grand Valley Taekwondo is to create great people. These are people who are respectful, confident, disciplined, content, powerful, and strong. These are people who unite their mind, body, and spirit into one great whole. These are people who can accomplish anything!

Wherever you are at in your journey, martial arts can help you. Taekwondo can change your life like it has mine. I invite you to join us!

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